Part 10

Health is defined as off medicines normal to low blood sugar low insulin and now you have lots of information. The book

does this make sense to you. You want to be independent of your doctors

Do you want to learn about your body so that you have the power to control you to change you to help you when you need it.

Doctors are still stuck in infections and antibiotics for dietary disease. Now what your doctor say about how to deal with that doctor Medifast doctors say eat their food three times a day. Dr. Fung says stop eating dirt and Gary Taub says stop sugar

And enjoy your health.

Part 9

it’s safe. It’s easy it’s cheap, it doesn’t cost money. It doesn’t cost time it saves you money and time it’s all natural. It’s God’s own machinery you’re not vulnerable to man and his science his defective science. His good science is bad science. His lies from the advertising industry or business or ignorance from doctors. Dr. Fung has very is fastened more than 1000 patients gives people information, support and permission and there you go.

Part 8

Dr. Merkel does Intermittent fasting and stays away from late diet eating make sense because you’re not moving when you eat, but Tom focuses on the food, not the weather this afternoon or evening. It may be better to eat in the afternoon because you’re and work it off rather than when you’re sleeping.

Part 7 contraindications if you need nutrients if you’re malnourished. If you’re underweight if your child growing. If you’re pregnant or breast-feeding you need nutrients.

If you’re on medicine and your poison your kidneys for blood pressure or enhancing the insulin driving down insulin with Metformin. Your doctor is giving you these medicines the medicine man asked to help you.

Your unique you can get low blood sugar from hundred and 80 or 35 uric acid can go up depending and so keep extra fluid going and maybe take some allopurinol temporarily

Part 6

The hardest, possibly healthiest, form of fasting is only water healthy fasting the is water, fasting

Dry fasting is not ever recommended except for very short periods or after you’ve had a binge of food.

From and a short period is a day is done Ramadan.

The top of the slippery Hill is only water fast

how much you’re going to grease the skids,

how much are going to have some low calorie beverages or sweeteners to increase we taste or bone broth to add fats, proteins and electrolytes or even “healthy fats, ” unquote healthy fats makes the hill slippery.

It’s very easy to slip all the way down the hill with these kinds of activities but you decide how much help you need and how stressed you are.

How idealistic you want to be etc.

Dr. Hambly said it seems far better to practice shorter periods of meal timing and lean and green meals rather than fat bombs.

Dr. Fung once you between 10 and 20 grams of protein a day and you can actually drink ketones or one of your fat bombs, fatty drinks when you’re getting fat while you’re getting fat adapted which takes two weeks to a month

take a break after the three-day fast and keep becoming more adapted to keep machinery developing bill the those ketone making machinery.

Part 5

High insulin means high body fat that comes from my sugar high-protein, high meal frequency

to get low insulin you have exercise. You have no sugar, no eating low-protein that laid low insulin low body fat pretty easy

make ketones, fight high insulin

Insulin resistance is a wrong way of saying high insulin, fasting the easy way

Start with short periods let your body adjust

Bert Herring’s 19 our fast skip breakfast then skip breakfast and lunch.

Do that for a while week whatever is necessary for you then skip breakfast lunch and dinner. It’s pretty easy go to three meals a day. No snacks.

Part 4. Myth 2 Slows Metabolism

We want the body in fat burning mode that’s ketosis. Make Ketones

When the bodies building up the machinery. It doesn’t have extra energy.

Metabolic activity can be slowed down until you’ve built the factory. (Depending on the exercise level you have)

But once machinery is built, then the metabolism returns to normal or 10% higher than when you started

Study IGF and M tour if you wish, look at mitochondrial function in you If you wish,

If you have the money and the time.

But just know that this God’s system.

It moves these markers the correct direction in the direction of health.

You have to measure you. You have to be the expert on you.. You doctor can help with that.